Thursday 23 May 2013

THE CALLING...:part 4

After some late night packing and a few hours sleep, my typical iPhone alarm goes off. But unlike my usual sluggish squirm out if bed, I was up like a drill sergeant at dawn! Coffee on the boil, some jungle oats and a last minute check through the essentials:

Olympic Lifting Shoes
Skipping rope
Training shoes
Wrist wraps
Back support strap
Cipla Nutrition Supps  
Clothes and toothbrush etc etc haha yes priorities :)

The flight was great and besides the paparazzi it was painless. After arriving in Johannesburg our first stop was another crossfit box, Crossfit Jozi. For any of you keen crossfitters or people who want to see a great set up, this is a must see. A fantastic box with a good team of coaches. Really a top class gym. Seeing it made me even more excited for what is to come and how it will all turn out. I don't know what it will be like but I am more than happy with how it has gone so far. We then decided to grab something to eat and Kauai was the eatery of choice and no it wasn't all Paleo ;)

We are staying at the high performance center in Pretoria so we had to wait around in Johannesburg for registration. So with out much to do we decided to head over to the Standard Bank Arena where it is all happening. We had to drive through some dodgy areas but like an oasis in the dessert, we saw Crossit Games banners and a few stalls in a parking lot, and there was a unanimous jolt of electricity in our group. We fiddled around and checked out the new Crossfit Nano 3.0 shoes before heading into the arena... 

Mother of pearl. I walked in while I was messaging on my phone and when I looked up there it was... A vision I can only liken to that of an explorer seeing the pyramids for the first time. Epic. There it was, the pull up rig, the ergo machines, lane numbers, and the sudden realization that I was here. Actually here. At the second stage of the one of the biggest fitness competitions in the world. If you win this, you go to the states to see the big boys! 

Anyway, after taking a moment to let it sink in I say down and considered what is to come in terms if events and my strategies. First up... Jackie. 1000m row, 50 x 20kg thrusters and 30 pull ups. As quickly as possible. At this point I am aiming to have a solid row but not kill myself so that I can smash the thrusters unbroken, then take the pull ups as they come. Tomorrow we will see how that unfolds.

So, I am sitting outside the arena now and watching the crew complete the building of the athletes prep area and all I can think if us what can happen if you find a passion and give it all you got. I urge all of you, no matter what it is, to find that passion and pursue it with all your heart because as part of the saying goes... I believe we are powerful beyond measure. Till next time... You stay classy.
Peace n love.
Al Zilla 

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